
Monthly Discussions with Expert Legal Team!

Auslaw Partners have always considered it our duty to provide high quality legal services to the public and actively undertake social responsibilities. We are committed to hosting LawTalk, our legal live stream every month to convey unique insights and rich experiences in the legal field to the community. 

Please follow our accounts on the following platforms to watch our exciting monthly LawTalks:


With an enhanced public legal awareness, we believe the public will have a better understanding and benefit from legal protection.

Each month, we cover a wide range of topics, including family law, business law, criminal law, and property law, among others. We carefully select a discussion topic and then delve into various key points. During the lecture, lawyers will interpret complex legal provisions in a friendly and understandable manner, vividly recounting real-life cases. Viewers are also encouraged to interact with the lawyers and have your questions answered on the spot. We believe that through this interactive exchange, everyone can not only gain legal knowledge but also deepen their understanding and trust in the law.

We encourage everyone to hop onto the live sessions to have a listen, and pose any relevant questions! Our team will be more than happy to assist you.



LawTalk is for general reference only and does not provide any specific legal advice.

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